lisis group
team of psychology professionals, teachers and social researchers in the field of school coexistence
lisis group
team of psychology professionals, teachers and social researchers in the field of school coexistence
The Lisis Group works in the area ofschool coexistence.We are a team of psychologists, professors/lecturers and social researchers, who develop our professional activities in different universities at a national and international level, specifically the University of Valencia, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, the University of Zaragoza, the University of Extremadura, the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, the latter two both in Mexico.
Since the 1990s we have been working with children, adolescents, families and schools, with the purpose of improving quality of life in educational centres, preventing problems of victimization and school rejection and promoting healthy coexistence and social integration of all students.
As can be seen in the different sections of this website, our work is based on the idea thatnot all problems in adolescence stem from adolescents, and that therefore their well-being depends on the different scenarios in which they participate. Their more immediate social contexts, such as family and school, have a great influence on their lives. For this reason,, we analyse the problems of school coexistence (bullying, cyberbullying,school rejection, social integration problems) not only from the perspective of the person directly involved (victim and aggressor), but also taking into consideration their family system and school environment.
We study, for example, the general degree of satisfaction with life during adolescence, their self-esteem and self-concept, their degree of stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, their feeling of loneliness, their empathy and emotional intelligence, their social reputation among their peers and classmates, their academic performance, the teacher-student relationship and their attitude towards school and teachers, as well as the climate in the classroom, the family climate, the quality of parent-child communication and the styles of parental education. We strive to ensure that our research and results contribute to the understanding of adolescents’ world and their quality of life and their places of coexistence. We hope that our work, together with that of other professionals, contributes to the development of effective prevention programmes in the area of school life.Everyone – parents, teachers, educators, and other professionals – can and must engage in the task of socialising our children, students and adolescents for them to be achieve their well-being.
– “Lysis, presumably your father and mother love you very much, don’t they?”
– “Certainly,” he told me.
– “In that case, they would want you to be as happy as you could possibly be?”
– “Of course!”
– “Do you think a person who is enslaved, and who is not allowed to do any of the things he or she desires, is happy?”
– “By Jupiter, I don’t think so”, he said.
– “Well, if your father and mother really love you and want you to be happy, it is obvious that they are eager, in every way, that you should be happy”.
– “Of course”, he said.
– “So, do they allow you to do whatever you wish? Do they not rebuke you at all, or prevent you from doing whatever you desire?”
– “By Jupiter, Socrates, there are lots of things they stop me from doing.”
– “What do you mean? Although they want you to be happy, they prevent you from doing what you wish?”
– “Yes”, he answered.
– “Then, for what reason do they prevent you from being happy and doing whatever you wish, forcing you all day long to be obedient and, in a word, doing nothing you desire of your own free will? (…) In short, you, Lisis, you neither do nor control anything you desire.
— “That is because I am not yet of age, Socrates”, he said.
— “Listen, son of Democrates, perhaps age is not the true reason, because there are things, as important as the ones we have mentioned, that, in my opinion, your parents will let you do what you want without taking into account your young age. Indeed, when they want someone to read to or write for them, I presume you are the first person in the house to whom they assign this task. Is this so?”
– “Yes”, he answered.
—Therefore, in these cases you are allowed to write the letters of the alphabet in any sequence you wish, and you are allowed to read with the same degree of freedom, right? And when you pick up the lyre, do your parents prevent you from loosening or tightening the strings you wish, or from plucking the strings or using the plectrum?”
– “Of course not”.
— “Well then, what is the reason why they allow you to do certain things but prohibit you from doing others?”
— “I think it is because I know about these, but I do not know about the others.”
—”That is it, my good man. So your father is not waiting for your coming of age before he trusts you in everything. Because the day he thinks you understands better than he does, on that day he will entrust himself and his possessions to you.”
Esta web ha sido cofinanciada por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y por la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, de la Junta de Andalucía, en marco del programa operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020. Objetivo específico 1.2.3. «Fomento y generación de conocimiento frontera y de conocimiento orientado a los retos de la sociedad, desarrollo de tecnologías emergentes») en marco del proyecto de investigación de referencia UPO‐1265142. Porcentaje de cofinanciación FEDER 80%.

© Grupo Lisis, 2024